I Passed Phase 0! Now What?

Phase 1 nights would be typically look like this

After finishing some administrations and having fun in the weekend before the storm, I finally arrived again @Hacktiv8 for the next Phase. The real challenges now begins. First we were briefed, signed some papers, and photoshoot (for professional looking in CV and such), then off we go to the Phase 1.

Everyday we are given challenges to be done on the same day, lectures, live codes are to be done in the faster pace. I’m really overwhelmed by this. Everything is different but show must go on. I decided to come early so I can jumpstart the challenges, come home a little bit late to work on assignments. But that came at a cost. I’m not feeling well afterwards, so is few others. Some even go home after our first Phase Live Code.

All I see in the lab are either pale, sick, thinking hard, gave out or stressed out faces. This means both good and bad… in a way.

Some advice for Phase 1 (May change over weeks):

  • It’s much better joining Hacktiv8 at Phase 0. Because you will be introducted to the learning pace of Hacktiv8 at much managable pace, so you know what to expect of Live codes, and projects.

  • More or less; the Live Code for phase 1 is structured a lot different. there are difficulty stages for each problem (Easy, Medium, Hard), and we are given two hours to solve it. Still, I’m not prepared.

  • Less time for “Me” Time <– Totally agreed. Even weekends is filled with challenges.

  • It is advised to have food delivery subscription. Most of the resto are far, so you’ll find yourself walking 10-20 minutes before you have a good meal.

  • Invest in Noise cancelling Headphones. You need to be in Zen mode to give your best.

As for now, I’m preparing for the next week. Wish me luck!

Written on July 14, 2018